Qualcuno mi spiega perchè al GOX vale 100 €. e su altri mercati vale 400 o 500 €. ? Non ci arrivo...
"In the meantime, Mt.Gox customers who doubt they'll ever recover their bitcoins have begun selling the rights to them at a steep discount. Those account holders have found willing buyers among speculators who believe that Mt.Gox will indeed make good on its obligations.
The speculators could make big profits: As of midday Wednesday, the rights to Mt.Gox bitcoins were selling for around $265 each. On well-functioning exchanges, the price was around $636 per bitcoin.
The difference is that on normal exchanges, paying $636 will put you in immediate possession of a Bitcoin. With Mt.Gox, speculators are paying for the rights to the bitcoins locked up there whenever -- if ever -- the ban on withdrawals is lifted.
If Mt.Gox is able to make account holders whole, those speculators will be able to sell their Mt.Gox bitcoins at the prevailing market price. If Mt.Gox can't make good on its obligations, those investors will be left with nothing."
Te l'ho già detto, stanne lontano, come dice Crozza/Razzi "è tutta malvivenza ..."
"Ecco Satoshi Nakamoto, Mister bitcoin L’inventore della moneta virtuale scovato da Newsweek: è un laureato in Fisica di 64 anni che abita in California. Ha creato la formula matematica nel 2008"
quel che mi dà da pensare è che un cervellone come questo non abbia completato l'opera formulando anche gli antidoti, mi ricorda certi apprendisti stregoni